Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Autumn Session!

    • Autumn Awaits

  • 2

    Autumn Session Week 1: Lammas/Lughnasadh

  • 3

    Lammas/Lughnasadh Rituals

  • 4

    Autumn Session Week 2: Peering Into the Cosmos

    • Peering into the Cosmos

    • This Week

    • Perseid Meteor Shower

    • Star Gazing

    • Other Ways to Access the Energies of Star Beings

  • 5

    Star Being Meditation

    • Star Being Meditation

    • Bonus Journal Pages: Star Being Meditation

    • Bonus Journal Pages: Star Being Observations

  • 6

    Autumn Session Week 3: Honoring the 7 Directions and Elementals

    • What Are the 7 Directions and Elementals?

    • Why it is Important to Work with Them

  • 7

    Week 3: Directions and Elementals

    • Opening Sacred Space Through the 7 Directions

    • Flow of the Week

    • East

    • South

    • West

    • North

    • Sky-Cosmos-Above

    • Earth-Below

    • Heart-Within


  • 8

    Autumn Season: Week 4

    • How to Stay Calm when the World is Falling Apart

    • Part 1

    • Part 2

    • Part 3

    • Part 4

    • Part 5

    • Part 6

    • Part 7

    • Part 8

    • Part 9

    • Part 10

    • Steps

  • 9

    Autumn Session: Week 5

    • How to do a Plant Brushing/Ceremony

    • Plant Brushing Part 1

    • Plant Brushing Part 2

    • Plant Brushing Part 3

    • Plant Brushing Part 4

    • Plant Brushing Part 5

    • Plant Brushing Part 6

    • Plant Brushing Part 7

    • Plant Brushing Part 8

    • Plant Brushing Part 9

    • Plant Brushing Part 10

    • Plant Brushing Part 11

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    Autumn Session: Week 6

    • A Guide for the Week

    • Let's Clear World Energy from our Space

    • Autumn Plant Smoke for Purification

    • Being Sensitive

    • Autumn Microdosing Part 1

    • Autumn Microdosing Part 2

    • BONUS PAGES: Microdosing for Health

    • Autumn Check In

  • 11

    Autumn Session Week 6: Healing with the Heart of the Earth

    • Healing with the Heart of the Earth-Meditation

  • 12

    Autumn Session Week 7: Weather Ritual for Balance and Earth Harmony

    • Weather Spirits Redux

    • Right relationship/Best and highest good for all

    • Working with Spirits and Elementals in times of intensity

    • Meditation for Balance and Harmony

    • Completion and Action

    • Ritual for Water

    • Ritual for Fire

    • Ritual for Earth

    • Ritual for Wind

  • 13

    Autumn Session Week 8: Equinox: Mabon

  • 14

    Recipes of Mabon

    • Mabon Wine Moon Cider

    • Rumtopf

    • Baked Acorn Squash

    • Pumpkin Soup

    • Almond Cake Topped with Spiced Apples

    • Mabon Spiced Apples

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    Mabon Rituals

    • Mabon Ritual 1-Herbal Vinegar

    • Mabon Ritual 2-Anointing oil

    • Mabon Ritual 3-Water Gratitude Offerings

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    Autumn Session Week 9: Walking into the Ancestors Grove

    • Thresholds and Transformations

    • Entering the Ancestor's Grove

    • The Importance of Ancestral Healing and benefits of doing Ancestral Work

    • Flower Essence Elixir for Working with Ancestors

    • Preparation

  • 17

    Autumn Session Week 10: Ancestral Grove Continued

  • 18

    Autumn Session Week 11: Embracing the Shadow

    • Embracing the Shadow

    • Be gentle-A few notes

    • Embracing the Shadow Tea

    • Collaging the Shadow

    • To be whole

    • That's how the light gets in

    • Herbs for Colds and Flus

    • Give Love to your Younger Self

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    Autumn Session Week 12: Remembering

    • Remembering

    • The Exquisite Doorways

    • This week-Exercises to Revisit

    • Journey to the Sacred Wood-The Beginning-Remembering....

    • Threshold Crossing-Revisited

    • A Path into the Future Meditation

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    Autumn Session Week 13: Samhain

    • Samhain

    • Samhain Altar Inspirations

    • Items to Put on a Samhain Altar

    • Herbs of the Season

    • Ways to Celebrate Samhain

    • Forgiveness Tea

    • Blessings on your Samhain Season

    • A Dance for All Wild Women

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    Endings and Beginnings

    • Endings and Beginnings

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